Here’s a couple of tips when planning your next round of Corporate Portraits.

1. Schedule them early in the week. People feel better and look fresher at the beginning of the week. Tuesdays are good, Fridays are Bad.

2. Make sure to send out a reminder to those being photographed the day before. Again, that’s why Tuesdays are our pick. Reminder goes out on Monday and everybody is prepared for the next day.

3. It’s hard to encourage your team to be well rested the night before your session and that’s why having the shoot early in the week is a good idea. I can remove bags under the eyes etc but best not to hit happy hour after work.

4. Be smart with clothing and accessories. Attire should reflect the message your organisation is trying to portray. Having said that, ties and suits for the gents always look sharp. There is a trend in favour of ditching ties for the lads but side by side a tie tends to win out. For women, a nice jacket frames the face nicely.